As I write this, polls will open in ten hours. Twenty-four hours or so from now, we’ll know the result of this amazing adventure.
By tomorrow, this campaign will have taken up exactly a year from November 8, 2015, when friends from Warrensville Heights, Aurora, Bedford, and Twinsburg stood with me at Bay High School as I announced my candidacy for the State Board of Education.
Since then it seems that we have been on a treadmill, but I have never doubted the importance of the voters’ decision or the value of this effort.
Tomorrow we’ll see what the voters decide. I probably won’t write one of these columns tomorrow. Afterwards, there will be a time for thanks, and a time for reflection, and sadness or joy to express. But for now, let’s do our duty as citizens. See you at the polls tomorrow!
This post originally appeared on the website of my 2016 campaign for State Board of Education,