Now they’ve gone and done it! The Twinsburg Historical Society has invited me to give a talk on Wednesday, March 22. The title is “Organizations:
American Democracy’s
Secret Sauce.” (Unless I change it: I tend to fiddle with my presentations right up until showtime, which in this case is 7:00 p.m.)
The location is 8996 Darrow Road (route 91), Twinsburg, Ohio. You may recognize the building, which is shown above. The presentation is free and open to the public.
I hope to have some interesting things to offer. It’s Women’s History Month, and I’ve been asked to provide an update on our efforts in Bedford and the neighboring communities to establish a chapter of the League of Women Voters. (An LWV group is being organized in Twinsburg.) I think I’ll have some experiences to relate to others working on similar projects.
Since I’ve been active in a dizzying variety of organizations, I’ve been encouraged to connect our League chapter experience to other civic engagement activities. I have ambitious plans to extend the lessons of our League chapter to civic engagement in general.
I’ll review the history of associations in American civic life, and note the present state of civic engagement. I’ll fit in some observations about the value of learning the basics of parliamentary procedure.
For those of a more political bent, I’ll share some bipartisan information about the health of grass-roots political activity in Summit County.
As my drama students used to say: Don’t miss it if you can.