Back to Work

We’ll be sending out information about our August 25 fundraiser shortly, but for now you can see the invitation here. Save the date!

We now have campaign shirts! Support the campaign by  buying one ($30, two for $50) and wearing it to all your elegant events.

After what amounted to a three-week hiatus for NEOEA and NEA work, I returned to the campaign trail last week.

  • As part of my own continuing-education program, I sat in on Tuesday’s meeting (July 12) of the State Board of Education.
  • That night, Anne McPherson, Kecia Sanders-Stewart, and I traveled to St. James AME Church on Tuesday for an NAACP forum on the $15 minimum wage proposal for Cleveland.
  • On Saturday I visited the Painesville Party in the Park. Got some great snacks, visited the Lake County Democrats tent, and in general met some nice people.
  • On Sunday, Lisa Shaffer-Gill and I joined a couple of thousand “close personal friends” to “Circle the City with Love” in preparation for the RNC visit.

  • On Monday, Pat Frost-Brooks and I participated in a panel on civility in the Purple Tent. You can see our panel discussion here.
  • That night, Jeff Wensing and I visited the Berea Board of Education at their monthly meeting.
  • On Tuesday, Pat Frost-Brooks and I  joined Ohio Democratic Chairman David Pepper and other Democrats for a fundraiser at Nighttown.
  • On Wednesday, I attended the South Euclid Democrats meeting.
  • Yesterday, Lynn and I worked on campaign finance records, which are due to the state by the end of next week.

As always, you can find the current state of the campaign schedule by using the calendar link or clicking here.

This post originally appeared on the website of my 2016 campaign for State Board of Education,

Author: StgCoach

Retired teacher and public education leader. Pastoral musician, community activist, parliamentarian, and photographer.